The Puppet and Me

The Puppet and Me

The magical world of puppets, is full of beauty, imagination, joy, drama, laughter, and innocence. A world of stories and dreams that never end. 

When we were kids we lived in this world, we were part of it, sometimes the puppet was a friend, or a teacher, other times the puppets were us

Barah expressive art designed this workshop to connect with the magical world that was part of our lives and still is. 

We’ll create our own puppet, decorate it and give it life of our choice. Its look is not that important, its life is the most important. 

We’ll be part of enchanted space, there we’ll tell our stories and share our dreams. The dreams of me, you and the puppet.

The simple acts of creating, dreaming and sharing open a new horizon in our inner and outer worlds, that blossom in all aspects of our lives.  

Number of sessions 2, duration of session 3 hours